Sunday, November 28, 2010

my lovely family *_*

what will happen to my fam ac2ly,..?? i jz heard dat my mom said dat she, my dad n my granny hve sumthing on their body,..! i dun noe hw 2 pronounce it but in malay is 'santau n gne2',.. it's jz like sumone send u thing 4 really bad intention,.. huhuhuhu,.. when i heard dat i really got a goosebumps,.. can u imagine dat 4 dis long u've been talking 2 ur dad, ur mom n ur granny but other things hear it 2,.. aigoo,..~~ im so sad 4 them,..

da thing dat hanging at my dad's back r 2 broke my parents relation ac2ly,.. n da thing dat my granny had i dun noe what exctly it is 4,... huhuhuhuhu,.. from im small till nw, nver done 2 hear all of this in my fam,.. it is owez sumthing disturb my fam,..! der r owez people dat unsatisfied wif our fam,.. i dun noe which way dat they r not satisfied wif,.. my fam did not do sumthing dat will hurt people,.. jz being happy fam, people will jles at u,.. what is dat,..? dey r CRAAAAZZZYZYYYY,...!!! omo,..! GOD plez do help dem,..!

if i told people 'bout dis den dey might go like 'very wierd fam' but im dat oready 20 years lived in dis house r really used 2 it,.. sumtymes if da things r 2 hard 2 heal den i will get scred but if not den i jz go like 'whatevr',.. huhuhuh,..

my fam will nver live hppily like other fam r,..! y,..??! if u jz dun like or satisfied in what others do den jz let it go like tell others or jz kept it in our heart or if it is worst jz cried like hell,.. it all will go away ( dat's what i do ) but y must hurt dem wif dis 'haram' way,.. play wif 'bomoh',..! aigoo,.. ~~ nw it is worst i think 4 my fam cz my uncle does not do thing dat he owez do when my fam in dis situation,.. he said ' im not strong enough 2 fight wif all dat ',.. he is OKU person,.. huhuhuhuuhu,.. if only he culd help my dad, mom n granny,.. huhuhu,.. if he done what he is doing b4, he will fall sick 4 a long tyme,..

den my fam hve no choice for jz c ustz dat expert on dis,.. den he gve my mom, dad n granny salt 4 dem 2 get rid of dat thing,.. but i dun undrstand what da salt use 4,.. huhuhuhu,.. (so stupid),.. n nw i dun noe what da real thing going wif dem since they r look fine,.. i once ask my dad n my mom,.. 'r u guys doesn't feel anything 'bout dis,..?' den my dad answered ' nope, jz fine ' den i was like 'what,..? ok den',.. so what else must i worried 'bout,..?? huhuhuhu

so d only thing dat i can do nw is jz pray 4 their safety n healthy,.. huhuhuhu,.. really hope they r fine,.. if i do say i dun like 2 hear all of dis again in my fam den it jz bullshit cz it will happen again no matter hw hard we try 2 avoid it,.. =(

oryte,.. it's oready pass 3,.. i need 2 sleep den,.. huhuhu,.. hope GOD will protect my fam from all dis nonsence thing dat crazy people done 2 us,.. AMIN,..!!!


anonymousx said...

ya allah die,..astaghfirullah,...nauzubillah btol manusia zmn skrg nie,...melampau tol,...snggup diorg wt bende2 tkutuk 2,...mmg melampau,...i donno how 2 comfort u,...but,..i`ll pray together with u,...bnyk2 kn bdoa ye,...insyallah ok,...ur family must know what they r doin` worries 2 much k,...^_^

raehee 정 said...

dea cingu,.. huhuhuhu,.. evn if im worry but me myself can't do nothing 'bout it,.. huhuhuhu,.. so jz let Allah do His job,.. =(