Sunday, November 14, 2010

fri 12/11/10 3.15 a.m

im listening to 2pm don't stop can't stop song,... too tired + sleepy but hard too sleep,.. dun what else can do in da middle of da night,.. oppss,..! is it
night,..??? morning ac2ly,.. my bad,.. =p

i jz finshed my finance paper dis evning n need 2 prepare 4 my it pper next on sun,.. huhuhhuuhu,.. it has 13 chpters
but i dun evn read 1 chpter,.. help me,..!!!! i hate reading sub,.. huhuhuhu,.. i hope i can score, no, at least pass dis paper,it,..
2morrow i need 2 wake up early 4 stdy but till now i still can't sleep,.. ottokae,..??

i can't wait 2 go home n hve my olidays but hw 'bout my 'lil bro,..?? huhuhuhu,.. live is so bored ryte,..??? hw can we make our live full of happiness,..?
owh,.. i noe,.. only 1 thing dat can mke me happy,.. owez,..!!! go to korea wif dewi, stdy, njoy, olidays, visits, shoppings der,.. all 2gether wif dewi,..
omg,..! i can imagine dat,..! hw beautiful it is,..! but did 1 question i've been asking myself,.. if i go 2 korea, hw 'bout wan,..?? we'll b hard 2 contacts
n cmmunicte,.. hmm,.. nver mind,.. i'll think 'bout it later,..hehehehe,.. but if he wanna engage wif me b4 i go 2 korea den my answer will b NO,..!!!
hell no i will tie myself like dat,.. i go to korea 2 enjoy my live without thinking dat i can't do dis n dat jz b'coz of my commitment,.. im not dat
type of girl dat will choose my live 2 b like dat,.. ^_~

like dewi said, she wanna find korean's bf,.. but hw 'bout me,..?? i dun think i will find korean's bf if i wanna find 1 den i want m'sia guy dat been stay at
korea,.. it's not like i dun like korean guy,.. ofc i do like dem so much jz i found it hard 4 other races 2 hve a crius cmmtment,.. espcially between islam n
christian,.. huhuhuhu,..

y can't my fam find dat korea is so amazing like i do,..?? if dey do feel like dat so it will b easy on me 2 get a permission 2 go der
2 stdy,.. my mom, evn she didn't say anything but i noe deep in her heart dat she dun agree wif me 2 stdy at korea,.. huhuhuhu,.. my sis oready said dat if i
cn go stdy at korea she wanna further her stdy at australia,.. if we, both, oversea, den der will be my mom, dad, n haiqal left,.. hw 'bout rya,..??fasting
month,..?? if we been stdy at oversea den we will not back 4 a long tyme,.. in other hand, my grandpa will strongly disagree wif dis idea,..b'coz we r girl,..
if we r boy den he will considered dat,.. god,..!!! help me,..!!! hw can i choose between dis tough decision,..?? between my dreams n my fam,..?? both r
important 2 me,..! really,..! i did prepared myself hw 2 write in korean n learn 'lil by 'lil of koren words,.. jz in case, i got selectedto further my stdy
der, i will hve enough infomation 'bout korea country,.. ^_^ hw excited i am ryte now,..! omg,..!!

if i dun get 2 stdy der i will probablygive up on stdy,.. but if i dun gve up i will find way 2 enter class 4 learn korea,.. learn all 'bout korea,..!
b4 i close my eyes i promise 2 myself dat i will hve experience in korea,.. no matter what,.. it is true dat i will go to korea b4 i die but i still dun forget
mekkah,..! i will go der 2,.. dun wory,..but if i hve enough mney,..

'bout mney,.. hmm,.. nwadays, nothing worse without mney,.. MY FUTURE PLAN,..!!! stdy as hard as i can, find a better job, sve money as much as i could,
buy as many assets(houses, cars, lands(if impossible), also open business n manged it wisely) as i can,.. ^_~ i wanna live my live wealthy,.. with dat i will b
able 2 travel anywhere dat i want without hving debt 4m any1,.. hehehehe,.. wow,..! ur dreams r big girl,..!!! i will make it happen,,.. if it's not happen i
rather dies den live in dis world dat i hve nothing 2 do,.. araso,..!!!! jz 4 now, my live r SOOOO BORED,..!!!! jz 4 u noe,.. ^_~

oryte den,... i wanna sleep ryte nw,.. i will write 4m tyme 2 tyme,.. i will pose dis in my blog,.. i will actve wif my blog 4m now on,.. ^_^ gdnyte fellas,..
love u'll,.. my love jz 4 people dat deserve my love,.. ^_~ send my love 2 my cool fam, my true fwens(dewi, lie, yati, sha), my beloved boy (wan), my dearest fwens
(sejiwa, bh lei, linda, anis, ppag, pa'an), my sweet dongsaengs (fara, leya, aina, zati, finas) n last but not least, my lovely unni (abie n khai unni),..
love u all soooo much,..!!! saranghandago,..!! *_*