Sunday, November 14, 2010

'bout my last day at uitm 4 dis sem ^_^

sunday - 14/11/2010
@ 8.30 am

i woke up n continued my stdies 4 my paper,.. im so sleepy but i force myself 2 woke up,.. =( my sis still sleep,..

@ 10.15 am

my sis woke up n tke her bath den ask me 2 follow her 2 dining 2 have our meal,.. we go dining n find der r no polistrine 4 us 2 fill our food,.. den we decide 2 eat der,..

@ 1.00

i did my prayer n prepare myself 2 go 2 da examination hall,..

@ 2.15 pm

im having my last paper which is mgt300 sub,.. it's not hard like i thought it is,.. i think i can do it,.. but who noes what will hppen,.. i jz need 2 pray 4 a gud result now,.. i did try n do my bez in my exms,.. ^_~ in da hall jz nw, wow,..! im freezing like hell,.. soooo cold,.. i can't bear it,.. huhuhu,.. i dun think dat it will b dat cold,... my entire body fell like freeze,.. my brain do not help me at all,.. i try 2 think what da point dat i've been mmorize b4 dis but i tke about 5 min 4 1 point,.. huhuhu,.. i really dissapointed 'bout dat,.. i also, dis is so crius, i did finshed all da question den im in da middle 2 check my answers n dat tyme i realise dat i did not answers 1 more question,.. thank god dat give me tyme 2 check back my answers if not i will jz let da question alone w/out answer it,.. huhuhuhu,..

@ 5.15 pm

my exam finally over,....! by da tyme exam was over, da hall r 80% empty,..! people got out early,.. wow,..! i was i like 'cpt nyer dowg wt',.. hehehehe,.. but i was totally released dat my exams r over w/out probs n i can njoy my olidays,.. but most of all i can get da hell out of dat freezing hall,.. omg,..! i will bring my sweater when i sit 4 next sem paper der,.. huhuhuhu,..

@ 6.15 pm

our (my sis n i) waiting tyme is over when my parents arrived at uitm 2 pick up us,.. hehehehe,.. dey came wif haiqal, my cute little bro,.. we load our stuff in da car n get our ass out of uitm,..! hehehe,.. during our back home, my stomach, omg, did sing a lot of song,.. huhuhu,.. im so hungry,..! luckily my dad stop @ r&r 4 pray at least der i can fill my empty stomach,.. hehehe,..

@ 10.30 pm

we reach home savely,.. we unload our stuff from car,.. it's so much of stuff 4 da 2 of us,.. my mom said 'kowg ni dtg uitm nk stdy kew wt p'tnjkan fesyen,..?',.. hehehe,.. hw did we noe dat we hve dat a lot of stuff,.. at home my granny said 'ni meme btol ckp owg g xnk lek',.. so funny all of their words but what can i say,..? nothing so what i can do jz laugh,.. ^_^