Sunday, November 28, 2010

my lovely family *_*

what will happen to my fam ac2ly,..?? i jz heard dat my mom said dat she, my dad n my granny hve sumthing on their body,..! i dun noe hw 2 pronounce it but in malay is 'santau n gne2',.. it's jz like sumone send u thing 4 really bad intention,.. huhuhuhu,.. when i heard dat i really got a goosebumps,.. can u imagine dat 4 dis long u've been talking 2 ur dad, ur mom n ur granny but other things hear it 2,.. aigoo,..~~ im so sad 4 them,..

da thing dat hanging at my dad's back r 2 broke my parents relation ac2ly,.. n da thing dat my granny had i dun noe what exctly it is 4,... huhuhuhuhu,.. from im small till nw, nver done 2 hear all of this in my fam,.. it is owez sumthing disturb my fam,..! der r owez people dat unsatisfied wif our fam,.. i dun noe which way dat they r not satisfied wif,.. my fam did not do sumthing dat will hurt people,.. jz being happy fam, people will jles at u,.. what is dat,..? dey r CRAAAAZZZYZYYYY,...!!! omo,..! GOD plez do help dem,..!

if i told people 'bout dis den dey might go like 'very wierd fam' but im dat oready 20 years lived in dis house r really used 2 it,.. sumtymes if da things r 2 hard 2 heal den i will get scred but if not den i jz go like 'whatevr',.. huhuhuh,..

my fam will nver live hppily like other fam r,..! y,..??! if u jz dun like or satisfied in what others do den jz let it go like tell others or jz kept it in our heart or if it is worst jz cried like hell,.. it all will go away ( dat's what i do ) but y must hurt dem wif dis 'haram' way,.. play wif 'bomoh',..! aigoo,.. ~~ nw it is worst i think 4 my fam cz my uncle does not do thing dat he owez do when my fam in dis situation,.. he said ' im not strong enough 2 fight wif all dat ',.. he is OKU person,.. huhuhuhuuhu,.. if only he culd help my dad, mom n granny,.. huhuhu,.. if he done what he is doing b4, he will fall sick 4 a long tyme,..

den my fam hve no choice for jz c ustz dat expert on dis,.. den he gve my mom, dad n granny salt 4 dem 2 get rid of dat thing,.. but i dun undrstand what da salt use 4,.. huhuhuhu,.. (so stupid),.. n nw i dun noe what da real thing going wif dem since they r look fine,.. i once ask my dad n my mom,.. 'r u guys doesn't feel anything 'bout dis,..?' den my dad answered ' nope, jz fine ' den i was like 'what,..? ok den',.. so what else must i worried 'bout,..?? huhuhuhu

so d only thing dat i can do nw is jz pray 4 their safety n healthy,.. huhuhuhu,.. really hope they r fine,.. if i do say i dun like 2 hear all of dis again in my fam den it jz bullshit cz it will happen again no matter hw hard we try 2 avoid it,.. =(

oryte,.. it's oready pass 3,.. i need 2 sleep den,.. huhuhu,.. hope GOD will protect my fam from all dis nonsence thing dat crazy people done 2 us,.. AMIN,..!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

bzday presents *_*

today, i got my bzday presents from my mom n my dad,.. ^_^ im soo haapy,.. i got present way too early from my ac2al bzday,.. my bzday suppose 2 b on 4th dec but my parents give it 2 me today,.. same as my sis dat suppose 2 b clbrting her bzday on 24th nov which is dis wednsday,..

u wanna noe what did we get,..?? we get da saem thing but diff in color, shape n model,.. we jz got hp notebook + all da gadgets n beautiful necklace,.. im really like da necklace,.. it's not dat i dun like my notebook jz im da type of person dat so into accessories,.. heehhehehe,..

i must be a lot of costs 2 buy all dat stuff 4 us,.. we, my sis n i, really thankful 2 our parents,.. my sis n i did plan dat we must buy sumthing 4 my dad n my mom 4 their bzday,.. my dad bzday oready past but we didn't gve him anything,.. jz a wish from jengka,.. huhuhuhu,.. n my mom bzday on 23rd jan,.. we plan 2 gve their present on da same day,.. as 4 my dad belated bzday present n 4 my mom earlier bzday present jz same like us,.. ^_^

but we didn't evn noe what 2 buy 4 dem,.. i think wanna buy my mom perfume n my dad shirt / 'kemeja',.. but my mom did hve plenty of perfume n my dad also hve plenty of shirt,.. so we in delema on what shuld we buy 4 our parents,.. huhuhuh,.. hope we can decide it b4 we go out on 4th dec soon,.. ^_~

on my bzday, i will gve da present dat we buy 4 our parents,.. ^_^ also on my bzday my beloved fwen, dewi, will come 2 kl n celebrate mine n her bzday 2gether,.. evn her bzday did past on 4th dec she refuse wanna come,.. her bzday on 25th nov, on dis thursday,.. 2morrow i will go out wif my cousins n i will think what present i shuld buy 4 dewi,.. ^_^ i can't wait 4 dat day, 4th dec, 2 come,.. it's not jz my bzday but i wanna c my fwen like crazy,..!!! huhuhuhu,.. really miss her so much,..!

hmm,.. nw tyme oready pass 3 a.m,.. i must sleep nw,.. gdnyte 2 all,.. c ya,.. n hope dat our day 2morrow will b da better den 2day,.. jaljayo,.. ZZZZzzzZZZzzz,.. @_@

Saturday, November 20, 2010

my bro shocked us,.. =p

today, in da morning, my 'lil bro shocked us dat he's locked in da car,.. he jz 1 years n 4 month,.. huhuhu,.. im sleeping upstairs den my mom from da next room call me n say 'cpt 2rn adk awk t'knci dlm kete' n im dat tyme was 'mamai' goes like 'huh,..? umi jgn nk tpu' den my mom said 'ske ati awk r nk cye or x yg psti nyer 2rn tlg umi' im jz followed my mom evnthough im not believe her,.. when i reached da car i was like 'omg !' my granny said dat my dad put him in da car n check d engine cz he want 2 go 2 N9 dis mon 2 send her daughter dat teach der,..

our whole fam try 2 get him out from der,.. my dad went 2 d office 2 get da spare keys dat he left der,.. my mom really mad at my dad b'coz dis 2 happen also dat he put da spare keys at office,.. we try our best 2 get him out from da car,.. he locked inside da car almost 2 hours,.. we were sooo worried,..! my bro 45 mins in da car he was like dancing n laughing at us outside dat he thought we were joking wif him,.. after dat he goes crying so hard,.. dat tyme my mom dun care 'bout da car anymore n said 2 my sis' awk g ambk hmmer kt ats' den she ask my sis 2 'cungkil' back mirror,.. my granny repeated mny tyme 2 tke cre of my bro face cz he facing my sis dat wanna break da mirror,..

then, after my sis broke da mirror my mom quickly 'pnjt' dat back mirror 2 get my bro,.. he was so wet wif his 'peluh',.. when my mom him, he still crying,.. my mom took him inside da house n cool him down,.. my granny ask my sis 2 make his milk,.. he drink his milk while crying,.. he did not drink all his milk like owez,.. den my granny ask me 2 bathed him,.. im bath him while 'pjuk' him 2 stop crying,.. he did stop crying den,.. we were released,..!

after bathed, my mom make him rice n give him,.. he did ate it,.. he did not cryied anymore,.. when my dad went home from d office my mom dun speak 2 him cz so mad,.. den he jz went out 2 repair da car,.. my mom so agry cz she said he did wanted 2 check d engine cz he want 2 send her daughter 2 N9 dis mon,.. she goes like' per yg dy pntg sgt ank dy yg kt cne 2 tah,.. bkn dowg d bg jasa pn kt dy,.. blik2 mntk duit,.. dowg mntk duit smpai bpak dowg da xd duit den mrmpat ngn aku,..dk2 ni pn ank dy gak tp d kew dy ambk pdli,..? d kew dy bg duit cm dy bg kt ank2 dy kt cne 2,..? xd pn,,!' my mom was so mad,.. we, my sis n i jz shut our mouth,.. jz my granny dat open her mouth 2 spoke 2 my mom,.. she cooled down my mom,.. huhuhuhu,..

ac2ly, i was mad 2 when i heard my mom said dat,.. but i jz shuted cz i dun think dat i hve ryte 2 speak,.. but if think 'bout it my mom hve a point,.. i dun noe what matter wif my dad,.. he seem jz abandon us n concerned more 2 his fam at trggnu side,.. huhuhu,.. if think crrctly, he has no bsness wif dem anymore jz 2 gve dem d mney dat court asked my da 2 gve,.. dat's all,.. den he released from dem but my dad seems dun want 2 let dem go,.. i can really undrstand dat b'cz dey r his 1st fam,.. but y did us like dis,..? my sis n i dun really care 'bout his love cz we used 2 live w/out dad love 4 18 n 17 years,.. but we concerned 'bout our lil bro,.. he jz 1 years old,.. he really need his dad love,..

my mom can't anything more cz my dad once said 'klo asyk nk mrah jer bek kter b'psah' is adt hw he supposed 2 said,...? hw cme he,..? my mom immediately shut her mouth,.. really mad till she can't say a word,.. i heard my mom story i was like 'gler kew per owg 2a ni ?' but jz in my heart,.. den i kept in my heart,.. once my dad yelling at my mom n abandon both of dem, my bro n my mom, den i will lose my respect 2 him 4 all my life like what i did 2 my true dad,.. really,..!! i will do it,.. no matter what my mom will say evn my fam,.. cz i dun like any1 2 hurt my mom,.. physically evn mentally envn emotionally,..!!!

4 nw i will jz be patient evn i lil by lil losing my respect but i try not 2 show it,.. huhuhuhu,.. i love my fam but i dun like violent or rude people in my fam,..! it's jz enough i went trough it once,..! i dun wanna it 2 be happen again,.. myb last tyme i was lil n stupid 2 noe anything but nw im older enough 2 noe what happen,.. if it happen 2 my mom like last tyme i will not b thinking too long 2 yell at him,..!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

my license

today my sis ask me 2 go to IMKEDA (license place 4 learning) to renew our license,.. we will get out competent license soon,.. hehehe,.. can't wait 4 it,..! so excited ! da girl said we will get 1 day after or 4 days after if der r no prob occurs,.. ^_^ hope dey will be ok while our license is being process,.. huhuhu,..

talk about license,.. since i will got my competent license,.. i will tell da truth 'bout me den,.. huhuhu,.. im 21 yrs old n will get my true license soon but im not really noe hw 2 drive n nver been drving since i got my P license,.. can u balieve it,..? hahahaha,.. i got scared u noe,.. 4 me all car 2 too big 4 me 2 drive it,.. huhuhu,.. it scred me 2 death,.. but if im not driving it will b a waste of money 2 renew my license once it has come 2 due date,.. =( but hw can imake dis scared feeling go away,..? HELP ME PLEZ,..!!!

my olidays ^_^

15 & 16 nov 2010

on dat days, we went 2 port dickson 2 finished our tyme as fam 2gether,.. abah, umi, adik, haiqal n me,.. we all 2gether went der on da 15th morning after breakfast,..

on dat morning before we tok off, my uncle's car broke down cz of strom dat night so his hve no ride 2 go 2 his office den he ask us a favor 2 drop him off at his office before we go 2 PD,.. den my dad agree wif dat,.. we drop hi at his office den,..

after dat, we continued our journey 2 PD,.. at about 12.3o we reached d hotel,.. we stay at sri pena as usuall went we go 2 PD,.. sri pena is da hotel own by NSTP since my dad is employee der n also my mom dat ex-employee der,..

when we reach da hotel, my dad took da key room den laod our belonging into da room,.. we rested a while till dat evning n we went 2 da swimming pool 2 enjoy swimming,.. hehehe,..

dat 2 days we der,.. der r no people in dat hotel since school break haven't started yet,.. if we go on sat ot sun it's definitely full house,.. hehehe,.. owez been like dat,..

da day after 2morrow, da day dat we went back 2 KL,.. my mom ask my dad 2 stoped at da town first before went home,.. den my dad was like 'nk wtper?' my mom say she want 2 shopping 4 some clothes,.. hahaha,.. dat tyme i felt sooooo happy,.. i love u r mom,.. hehehe,.. we shopping our clothes at about 1 n half our,.. den we went back 2 KL,..

we reach home at 5 or 6 in da evning,.. ^_^ i felt so happy cz we can spent our tyme 2gether as fam after my examination dat make me crazy,.. heehhe,.. hope i can get a gud resut in my examntions,.. ^_^ insayaAllah,..!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

'bout my last day at uitm 4 dis sem ^_^

sunday - 14/11/2010
@ 8.30 am

i woke up n continued my stdies 4 my paper,.. im so sleepy but i force myself 2 woke up,.. =( my sis still sleep,..

@ 10.15 am

my sis woke up n tke her bath den ask me 2 follow her 2 dining 2 have our meal,.. we go dining n find der r no polistrine 4 us 2 fill our food,.. den we decide 2 eat der,..

@ 1.00

i did my prayer n prepare myself 2 go 2 da examination hall,..

@ 2.15 pm

im having my last paper which is mgt300 sub,.. it's not hard like i thought it is,.. i think i can do it,.. but who noes what will hppen,.. i jz need 2 pray 4 a gud result now,.. i did try n do my bez in my exms,.. ^_~ in da hall jz nw, wow,..! im freezing like hell,.. soooo cold,.. i can't bear it,.. huhuhu,.. i dun think dat it will b dat cold,... my entire body fell like freeze,.. my brain do not help me at all,.. i try 2 think what da point dat i've been mmorize b4 dis but i tke about 5 min 4 1 point,.. huhuhu,.. i really dissapointed 'bout dat,.. i also, dis is so crius, i did finshed all da question den im in da middle 2 check my answers n dat tyme i realise dat i did not answers 1 more question,.. thank god dat give me tyme 2 check back my answers if not i will jz let da question alone w/out answer it,.. huhuhuhu,..

@ 5.15 pm

my exam finally over,....! by da tyme exam was over, da hall r 80% empty,..! people got out early,.. wow,..! i was i like 'cpt nyer dowg wt',.. hehehehe,.. but i was totally released dat my exams r over w/out probs n i can njoy my olidays,.. but most of all i can get da hell out of dat freezing hall,.. omg,..! i will bring my sweater when i sit 4 next sem paper der,.. huhuhuhu,..

@ 6.15 pm

our (my sis n i) waiting tyme is over when my parents arrived at uitm 2 pick up us,.. hehehehe,.. dey came wif haiqal, my cute little bro,.. we load our stuff in da car n get our ass out of uitm,..! hehehe,.. during our back home, my stomach, omg, did sing a lot of song,.. huhuhu,.. im so hungry,..! luckily my dad stop @ r&r 4 pray at least der i can fill my empty stomach,.. hehehe,..

@ 10.30 pm

we reach home savely,.. we unload our stuff from car,.. it's so much of stuff 4 da 2 of us,.. my mom said 'kowg ni dtg uitm nk stdy kew wt p'tnjkan fesyen,..?',.. hehehe,.. hw did we noe dat we hve dat a lot of stuff,.. at home my granny said 'ni meme btol ckp owg g xnk lek',.. so funny all of their words but what can i say,..? nothing so what i can do jz laugh,.. ^_^

fri 12/11/10 3.15 a.m

im listening to 2pm don't stop can't stop song,... too tired + sleepy but hard too sleep,.. dun what else can do in da middle of da night,.. oppss,..! is it
night,..??? morning ac2ly,.. my bad,.. =p

i jz finshed my finance paper dis evning n need 2 prepare 4 my it pper next on sun,.. huhuhhuuhu,.. it has 13 chpters
but i dun evn read 1 chpter,.. help me,..!!!! i hate reading sub,.. huhuhuhu,.. i hope i can score, no, at least pass dis paper,it,..
2morrow i need 2 wake up early 4 stdy but till now i still can't sleep,.. ottokae,..??

i can't wait 2 go home n hve my olidays but hw 'bout my 'lil bro,..?? huhuhuhu,.. live is so bored ryte,..??? hw can we make our live full of happiness,..?
owh,.. i noe,.. only 1 thing dat can mke me happy,.. owez,..!!! go to korea wif dewi, stdy, njoy, olidays, visits, shoppings der,.. all 2gether wif dewi,..
omg,..! i can imagine dat,..! hw beautiful it is,..! but did 1 question i've been asking myself,.. if i go 2 korea, hw 'bout wan,..?? we'll b hard 2 contacts
n cmmunicte,.. hmm,.. nver mind,.. i'll think 'bout it later,..hehehehe,.. but if he wanna engage wif me b4 i go 2 korea den my answer will b NO,..!!!
hell no i will tie myself like dat,.. i go to korea 2 enjoy my live without thinking dat i can't do dis n dat jz b'coz of my commitment,.. im not dat
type of girl dat will choose my live 2 b like dat,.. ^_~

like dewi said, she wanna find korean's bf,.. but hw 'bout me,..?? i dun think i will find korean's bf if i wanna find 1 den i want m'sia guy dat been stay at
korea,.. it's not like i dun like korean guy,.. ofc i do like dem so much jz i found it hard 4 other races 2 hve a crius cmmtment,.. espcially between islam n
christian,.. huhuhuhu,..

y can't my fam find dat korea is so amazing like i do,..?? if dey do feel like dat so it will b easy on me 2 get a permission 2 go der
2 stdy,.. my mom, evn she didn't say anything but i noe deep in her heart dat she dun agree wif me 2 stdy at korea,.. huhuhuhu,.. my sis oready said dat if i
cn go stdy at korea she wanna further her stdy at australia,.. if we, both, oversea, den der will be my mom, dad, n haiqal left,.. hw 'bout rya,..??fasting
month,..?? if we been stdy at oversea den we will not back 4 a long tyme,.. in other hand, my grandpa will strongly disagree wif dis idea,..b'coz we r girl,..
if we r boy den he will considered dat,.. god,..!!! help me,..!!! hw can i choose between dis tough decision,..?? between my dreams n my fam,..?? both r
important 2 me,..! really,..! i did prepared myself hw 2 write in korean n learn 'lil by 'lil of koren words,.. jz in case, i got selectedto further my stdy
der, i will hve enough infomation 'bout korea country,.. ^_^ hw excited i am ryte now,..! omg,..!!

if i dun get 2 stdy der i will probablygive up on stdy,.. but if i dun gve up i will find way 2 enter class 4 learn korea,.. learn all 'bout korea,..!
b4 i close my eyes i promise 2 myself dat i will hve experience in korea,.. no matter what,.. it is true dat i will go to korea b4 i die but i still dun forget
mekkah,..! i will go der 2,.. dun wory,..but if i hve enough mney,..

'bout mney,.. hmm,.. nwadays, nothing worse without mney,.. MY FUTURE PLAN,..!!! stdy as hard as i can, find a better job, sve money as much as i could,
buy as many assets(houses, cars, lands(if impossible), also open business n manged it wisely) as i can,.. ^_~ i wanna live my live wealthy,.. with dat i will b
able 2 travel anywhere dat i want without hving debt 4m any1,.. hehehehe,.. wow,..! ur dreams r big girl,..!!! i will make it happen,,.. if it's not happen i
rather dies den live in dis world dat i hve nothing 2 do,.. araso,..!!!! jz 4 now, my live r SOOOO BORED,..!!!! jz 4 u noe,.. ^_~

oryte den,... i wanna sleep ryte nw,.. i will write 4m tyme 2 tyme,.. i will pose dis in my blog,.. i will actve wif my blog 4m now on,.. ^_^ gdnyte fellas,..
love u'll,.. my love jz 4 people dat deserve my love,.. ^_~ send my love 2 my cool fam, my true fwens(dewi, lie, yati, sha), my beloved boy (wan), my dearest fwens
(sejiwa, bh lei, linda, anis, ppag, pa'an), my sweet dongsaengs (fara, leya, aina, zati, finas) n last but not least, my lovely unni (abie n khai unni),..
love u all soooo much,..!!! saranghandago,..!! *_*

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

da day of my PR paper n my fwens ^_~

as'kum / annyeong haseyo / ni hao / hello

today, i wanna share 'bout my pr paper yesterday,.. hehehehe,.. im so epy cz i kinda can answer dat paper,.. but as i clculate my marks i oready lost 15 mark cz i dun sure of my answer on dat questions,.. but overall it's ok,.. ^_~

i got another 2 more paper 2 face,.. i will do my bez on dat 2 papers,.. i dun want my pointer 2 drop dis sem,.. i will persuade my dream 2 further my stdies in korea,.. no matter what i do,..

yesterday exam,.. it's first time i sitted 4 exam in dat hall,.. at first i was like 'besar tol dewan ni' n 'rmai nyer owg',.. when i enter da hall my nerves jz like wow,..! can't dscrbe it,.. huhuhuhu,.. den i sitted at my group line n ready 4 da exam,..

during d exam da guy sitted next 2 me mkes me worried,.. im not worried 4 me but 4 him,.. at 1 and half hour da exam start, he jz sat der and do nothing while im like crazy scretch 4 answer,.. den after 30 mnutes by doing nothing he jz went 2 gents n went back in den he start 2 write on his paper,.. i was like 'dy ni xtkot ms xsmpt kew?' n 'nper dy xtlis pape?',.. but all my question did answered when he went back 4m gents,.. when 45 mntes left 4 d exam, he oready finshed n leave da hall,.. holy s**t, i was shocked,..!! he dat doing nothing 4 'bout 30 mntes n can mnge 2 finshed dat fast,.. i envy him,..! criusly,.. but what he did i dun gve a damn,.. i jz finshed wif my paper,.. i try my bez 2 rmmber all dat i've been read n mmrzed,.. ^_~

after da exam, my fwen, linda, ask me 2 accmpny her 2 tke IT test paper at my lec room,.. i agreed n also my other fwen,kchik,.. when we reached my lec room, we jz find our paper n took it but linda ask 4 tke 4 all of our classmte paper too (jz girl),.. den kchik did told her 'nper ko nk ambk kn paper dowg, dowg le ambk sndri kot' den linda go 'ske ati aku r, klo ko xnk ambk kn xper r, biar ku ambk',.. i was like 'WTF was hppng here',.. but i jz silent,.. say nothing 'bout it,.. at dat time kchik was on phone wif her boy,.. after linda say dat 2 hel she directly say 2 her boy 'mnympah tol ckp ngn owg cmni' i was like 'WHAT??',.. 4 me linda r not wrong,.. its up 2 her if she want 2 took da paper 4 our classmtes but y must she say like dat,.. after dat, linda say she wanna go to ladies,.. i was like 'ko nk g tnds ne?' linda say ' tnds lib' i was like 'ok',.. den kchik go 'cm kt blok lec ni xd tnds' i heard dat but jz prtend not hear it,.. at my thought 'cmner klo linda dga' n 'dy ni nper',.. den she check on her test paper n say 'dpt stgh mrkh jer, bpak ckit' n i go like 'ckit otk dy',.. cz her mark on dat test was 70%,.. on foward, i jz dun like 2 walk wif her,.. i dun like people pretend 2 b humble but da fact is dey not,..!!! if u wanna do dat jz do but dun let me hear it 2 c it,.. i hate it so much,.. dun like person like dat,..!!!! no1 like it,..!!!

when i reach my room, i playing games while think,.. 'nper r ku le kwan ngn dy',.. at dat time i was automtclly rmmber my beloved fwen, dewi,.. i miss her like hell,..!! huhuhuhu,.. dewi ya bogoshipoyo,..!! i wished all my fwens jz like dewi,.. easy 2 talk 2, happy when wif her, can laugh n crying 2gether,.. all my life 4 21 years, i only hve 3 TRUE fwens,.. dewi, ajlaili n yati,.. ac2ly i hve another 1 but i jz feel like we oready lost cntact,.. sya,.. i love dem so much,.. der r my precious fwens,.. wif dem around me i dun mind if i dun hve any fwens,.. dis 3 people can light up my live brightly,.. nver gve me hard time,.. but i da 1 dat owez gve dem hard time,.. mianhae cingu ya,.. chommal mianhae,.. nver hppen again,..^_~saranghamnida cingudeul,..!!