Sunday, October 17, 2010

winter/musim sejuk/gyeoul

i dun noe hw mny people love winter,.. but 4 me, it's awsome,.. i really3 love winter evnthough i dun evn exprience it,.. my fwens once ask me, " y did u like winter so much?" but i answer her, " i dun noe",.. but nw my fwen i think i can answer u,.. i found winter is white, cold, n beautiful,.. since i like white so i love winter,.. since i dun like hot weather so i love winter,.. since i like peace place so i love winter,..

i attrcted 2 winter since i saw my uncle's pix in jordon in winter,.. i was like " when will i get to play snow in winter",.. since den i love winter a lot,... my kenya fwen dat did travel around much once said to me " winter is too cold, i dun think m'sian will b beared of it since m'sia nver evn hve spring or autumn",.. huhuhuhu,... i dun care 'bout dat,.. i did noe winter is clod dat's y i love it,.. neway, people hve their own interest,..

i owez ask my parents to hve our vcation at country dat hve winter or evn spring or autumn,.. i dun care as long as it's cold,.. but dey say " we can go der but da spending r way 2 expnsve",.. i noe what dey mean,.. it's not like dey can't buy da tickets n da place 4 us 2 stay but da preparation 2 go der r so expnsve,.. we need to buy cloths dat suit 2 da weather,.. since den i nver say 'bout it anymore,.. but i will someday go 2 country dat hve winter,.. since i will go 2 korea further my stdy den i will get 2 experience winter of myself,.. hehehe,.. i really hope dat my effort in my stdy will tke me der,.. ^_^

people thought dat when winter better stay home it's fucking freezing but y must stay at home since der r lot things to do,.. we can go up to mountain 2 enjoying ice ski,..

we can mke snowman,.. i dun noe much but i will do anything wif outdoor activities,.. besides, not jz the activities dat i like when winter,.. i do too love da style(cloths) of winter,.. wearing boots, jeans, sweater, and all da hot cloths,.. wow,..! i can't imgine it,.. im wearing all dat,.. it would b awesome,..!! hehehehe,..

look at dem (above), in winter cloths,.. with glove, sweater,.. i admired dat style,.. huhuhuhu,.. if in m'sia can wear dat, i wuld nver hve a thought 2 go to other country,.. i will love my country so much,.. hehehe,.. kiddin',..

so ithink dat's all i wanna talk 'bout winter,.. ac2ly my favourite season,.. i gotta go,.. must stdy 4 my exams,.. bye2 evrybdy,.. slmat tggal sume,.. modudeul annyeonghi,.. Wdāʻā al-Jmyʻ,.. Zàijiàn,.. paalam na lahat ng tao,.. revoir tout le monde,.. Abschied jedermann,.. ^_^