Tuesday, October 19, 2010

jz got gud new,..

it's not a gud news 4 me ac2ly,.. hehehehe,.. it's jz 1 fwen of mine,.. from i noe him like long tyme a go,.. he jz a ordinary village boy,.. but im gonna say anything 'bout dat,.. but 2day, he tell me 2 look out 4 his work place blog,.. he said " check out d ordnisation chart" den i go "y?" he said " jz look at it will ya" oryte,.. i find it n check it,.. i outomtcally a smile appear at my lips,.. wow,..! it's so amazing 4 me 2 noe dat him will b success like dat,.. im so proud of him,.. ac2ly, im very proud,.. i would nver tought dat he will b in dat situation,.. 4 who dat curious 'bout his work,.. he is working at Makhamah Rendah Syariah located at Teluk Imtan,.. n he is assistant registrar of criminal der,.. i can't believe it,.. ryte nw, i jz wanna hug him 2 congrates him,.. but jz if he is in front of me,.. =(

jz 4 ur info,... u will curious y did i jz excited like dis since he's nothing 2 me,.. yes he is my fwen nw but he used 2 b my boyfriend once,.. it's an old story,.. me dat broke up wif him 'bout 'lil mstken,.. but dun think,... evr think dat i said dis cz im regret 4 it nw since he is success nw,.. no,..! im not dat kind of girl,.. im jz wanna share his happiness here,.. ^_^ he is da nice man,.. i jz nver thought dat he will evr suit wif me,.. i feel sad 4 him dat he till nw dun hve gf n ask me 2 find him 1,.. what shuld i do guys,.. huhuhuuhu,..

but neway, i owez pray 4 his happiness,.. may god bless him,.. ^_~ he is a great fwen indeed,..