Sunday, October 31, 2010

my examination =(

annyeong haseyo / hello / apa khabar / xiawu hao

i wanna talk 'bout my examination,.. i jz finished my law paper on 27th oct,.. i wanna noe what,.. i totally screwed my paper,.. i dun evn noe what im doin',.. i jz write whateva i want in dat paper,.. i really hope dat my result b okay,.. i dun hope 4 any A in dat paper but at least u can get B,.. if i got C, my pointer, the whole pointer will drop,.. huhuhuuhu,.. i dun want dat 2 happen,.. none of people want dat 2 happen,..

on 2/11, i will facing my next paper,.. mkt 310 (public relation paper),.. hope i will score on dis 1,.. i relly hope,..! next paper after PR is Finance (FIN 262) and 4 da last paper is on 14/11 which is mgt 300 (IT) paper,.. i do really2 hope dat i will score on dat 3 pper,..

i will write more when i finished my pper,.. on 14/11,.. can't wait 2 on9 247 at my home sweet home,.. !!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

jz got gud new,..

it's not a gud news 4 me ac2ly,.. hehehehe,.. it's jz 1 fwen of mine,.. from i noe him like long tyme a go,.. he jz a ordinary village boy,.. but im gonna say anything 'bout dat,.. but 2day, he tell me 2 look out 4 his work place blog,.. he said " check out d ordnisation chart" den i go "y?" he said " jz look at it will ya" oryte,.. i find it n check it,.. i outomtcally a smile appear at my lips,.. wow,..! it's so amazing 4 me 2 noe dat him will b success like dat,.. im so proud of him,.. ac2ly, im very proud,.. i would nver tought dat he will b in dat situation,.. 4 who dat curious 'bout his work,.. he is working at Makhamah Rendah Syariah located at Teluk Imtan,.. n he is assistant registrar of criminal der,.. i can't believe it,.. ryte nw, i jz wanna hug him 2 congrates him,.. but jz if he is in front of me,.. =(

jz 4 ur info,... u will curious y did i jz excited like dis since he's nothing 2 me,.. yes he is my fwen nw but he used 2 b my boyfriend once,.. it's an old story,.. me dat broke up wif him 'bout 'lil mstken,.. but dun think,... evr think dat i said dis cz im regret 4 it nw since he is success nw,.. no,..! im not dat kind of girl,.. im jz wanna share his happiness here,.. ^_^ he is da nice man,.. i jz nver thought dat he will evr suit wif me,.. i feel sad 4 him dat he till nw dun hve gf n ask me 2 find him 1,.. what shuld i do guys,.. huhuhuuhu,..

but neway, i owez pray 4 his happiness,.. may god bless him,.. ^_~ he is a great fwen indeed,..

Sunday, October 17, 2010

winter/musim sejuk/gyeoul

i dun noe hw mny people love winter,.. but 4 me, it's awsome,.. i really3 love winter evnthough i dun evn exprience it,.. my fwens once ask me, " y did u like winter so much?" but i answer her, " i dun noe",.. but nw my fwen i think i can answer u,.. i found winter is white, cold, n beautiful,.. since i like white so i love winter,.. since i dun like hot weather so i love winter,.. since i like peace place so i love winter,..

i attrcted 2 winter since i saw my uncle's pix in jordon in winter,.. i was like " when will i get to play snow in winter",.. since den i love winter a lot,... my kenya fwen dat did travel around much once said to me " winter is too cold, i dun think m'sian will b beared of it since m'sia nver evn hve spring or autumn",.. huhuhuhu,... i dun care 'bout dat,.. i did noe winter is clod dat's y i love it,.. neway, people hve their own interest,..

i owez ask my parents to hve our vcation at country dat hve winter or evn spring or autumn,.. i dun care as long as it's cold,.. but dey say " we can go der but da spending r way 2 expnsve",.. i noe what dey mean,.. it's not like dey can't buy da tickets n da place 4 us 2 stay but da preparation 2 go der r so expnsve,.. we need to buy cloths dat suit 2 da weather,.. since den i nver say 'bout it anymore,.. but i will someday go 2 country dat hve winter,.. since i will go 2 korea further my stdy den i will get 2 experience winter of myself,.. hehehe,.. i really hope dat my effort in my stdy will tke me der,.. ^_^

people thought dat when winter better stay home it's fucking freezing but y must stay at home since der r lot things to do,.. we can go up to mountain 2 enjoying ice ski,..

we can mke snowman,.. i dun noe much but i will do anything wif outdoor activities,.. besides, not jz the activities dat i like when winter,.. i do too love da style(cloths) of winter,.. wearing boots, jeans, sweater, and all da hot cloths,.. wow,..! i can't imgine it,.. im wearing all dat,.. it would b awesome,..!! hehehehe,..

look at dem (above), in winter cloths,.. with glove, sweater,.. i admired dat style,.. huhuhuhu,.. if in m'sia can wear dat, i wuld nver hve a thought 2 go to other country,.. i will love my country so much,.. hehehe,.. kiddin',..

so ithink dat's all i wanna talk 'bout winter,.. ac2ly my favourite season,.. i gotta go,.. must stdy 4 my exams,.. bye2 evrybdy,.. slmat tggal sume,.. modudeul annyeonghi,.. Wdāʻā al-Jmyʻ,.. Zàijiàn,.. paalam na lahat ng tao,.. revoir tout le monde,.. Abschied jedermann,.. ^_^

about me/tentang saya/naege

hi hello ! annyeong haseyo! hai apakhabar! ^_~ choneun jung RaeHee imnida,..
im juz creating another blog,..
hope i can mnage it,.. hee,..
since im malay and so addicted to learn korea lang so dis blog will b mix in lang,..
jz 4 da beginning i jz use eng lang,.. =) easy 2 undrstand n read,.. otherwise eng is worldwide lang,..

oopppsss,.. jz wanna inform,.. im a girl,.. since in my blog,.. either of my blog, der will b no pix of me,.. never,..! im da person dat dun like 2 tke photo of myself,.. i found it ugly like hell,.. but dun misundrstood dat im an ugly girl,.. huhuhuhu,..

4 whom dat dun noe me, my nme is jung raehee,.. u can call me raehee,.. (but dat's not my real nme) ,.. since we're in cyber wolrd so i dun think we shuld 100% tell da truth 'bout our real nme / evn bio to public,.. nowadays, one1 can b trusted,.. huhuhuhu,.. but dun wory, i will be sincere enough 'but all da posts in here,.. jz my real nme will b secret,.. ^_^

what else,.. hmm,.. ok hw 'bout my admired,..??! oryte,..! i like dis topic,.. if im wif my fwen, dewi, we would love 2 talk 'bout dis topic,.. i bet,..! hehehe,.. oryte,.. wer were we,..? hmm,.. ok, my admire,.. to tell da truth, im da social girl,.. im ac2ly very shy if im not evn close wif dat people,.. i guess mny people out der like me,... im stdying at uitm,.. i did hve crush to 1 guy,.. can't tell his nme,.. ac2ly, im not i love wif him,.. but i like his personality,.. he is kinda cool like guy,.. not much of talk (jz like me),.. 1st, i look at him, i was like, wow! he has a style of his own,.. but dat jz once htought since i saw him at my first day,.. den 1 nyte when we had course dinner,.. i totally love his style,..! he's like popular artist wif his sunglasses n leather jacket,.. huhuhuhu,.. i told my fwen 'bout dis n she was like " r u in love wif him? " and i go " i dun noe " but later, day by day past, i dun think im in love wif him but i jz admire him,.. since he is smart, clever, good-looking, cool, polite, hve sense of humor,.. FYI, he is dean list student EVERY SEM, from part 1 - 3,.. i said to myself, " who da girl dat will hve him, would b lucky her ",.. i jz wish i will get guy like dat 1 day,.. jz glad dat he's not my type if not i dun think i can continue my stdy at uitm,.. i will 247 will thinking of him,.. hehehehe,.. ^_~

admire and i dol is da diff meaning ryte,..?? jz asking,.. hehehehe,..

oryte, 4 my idol, oppss, not idol but idols,.. of course it's korea artists since i like korea so much nwadays,.. im not a girl dat love korea b4,.. it's all b'coz of my fwen, dewi, dat introduce me to korea artists,.. since dat, i jz listening to korean song, drama, variety shows, evn find my own korean nme,.. n nw my dewi n i, planned to further our stdy in korea after we finish our diploma,.. hehehehe,.. can;t wait 4 dat,..

okay, 'bout my idol,.. oppss, im cowey, it's not jz idol but idols,.. hehehehe,.. since i love korea so much den my idols also among korea artists,.. ^_^ do u guys noe super junior,..?? 4 those dat dun evn noe what is super junior were, dis is dem :

dey used to be 13 mmbers but nw dey're jz 10 mmber left,.. 1 of da mmber hve a lawsuit wif their mngmnet,

1 of dem enter d army n will b back soon,

also 1 more used to b bz wif his acting n nw he's back wif super junior (SuJu),.. ^_~
ac2ly, SuJu supposed debut wif only 12 mmbers,.. but da last 1 entered and also a magnae (youngest), kyuhyun:

entered after SuJu debut,.. he revealed dat when he got informed dat he will be debut as SuJu his heart was pouting,.. b'cz 1 of da reason, he is 1 of SuJu's fans (E.L.F),.. but in SuJu, der r 1 guy dat i like da most,.. he's my idols,.. leeteuk-shi :

if i wanna reveal all of my idols der will be long post,.. huhuhuhu,.. so 4 nw, i jz reveal my idol in SuJu,.. next tyme when free i will reveal d other group dat hve my idols,.. ^_~

im tied of typing ryte nw,.. huhuhuhu,.. c ya next tyme,.. ac2ly, i will facing my finals exams on 27th oct,.. till 14 nov,.. after dat day i will b posting new post,..jigeumkaji, annyeong gaseyo/astalavista/slamt tinggal/gudbye/sayonara,.. *_*